"I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons." -- Jan Sterling in ACE IN THE HOLE Catherine Deneuve Linda Darnell Tippi Hedren Bette Davis Jeanne Moreau Brigitte Bardot Lucille Ball Louise Brooks
A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know.
“Life is a lot like jazz . . . It’s best when you improvise. . .”
A musica só faz sentido se a pudermos ouvir para o dauneló é só clicar em:: nome :: ou então ir aos comentários Todos os links aqui contidos para download foram encontrados na internet, nenhum arquivo contido nos links aqui disponibilizados foi hospedado pelo Blog. This blog does not store any file on it's server. Only index and link the content provided by other sites!
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