
Self Portrait

Vivian Maier_Self Portrait1.jpg
Vivian Maier Self-Portrait
Helmut Newton self-portrait-with-wife.jpg
Helmut Newton Self-Portrait with wife and Models, Vogue Studio, Paris,1981
Self Portrait with Raymond Barnhart.gif
Genevieve Barnhart Self-Portrait with Raymond Barnhart
andré kertész shadow self portrait, 1927.jpg
André Kertész shadow self portrait, 1927
Portugal, Lisboa self portrait by Paul Nieuwenhuysen
Albert Renger-Patzsch, Self-Portrait, 1928.jpg
Albert Renger-Patzsch, Self-Portrait, 1928
Ilse Bing, Self-Portrait in Mirrors, 1931.jpg
Ilse Bing, Self-Portrait in Mirrors, 1931
Gerard P. Fieret (1924) Self Portrait with Inge, ca.1960.jpg
Gerard P. Fieret self portrait with Inge, ca.1960
Norman Parkinson self portrait_b.jpg
Norman Parkinson self portrait
Tony Littlejohns_selfPortrait.jpg
Tony Little johns self Portrait


borboletas de Jade


Opium Den in Chinatown, Calcutta

A little snooping in Chinatown will turn up the little opium dens stuck down an alley (not recommended without police escort). Actually, the smokers shown in this picture do it legally. Each den is licensed for so many pipes. Each pipe costs a rupee, a phial of opium five rupees. Average smoker consumes aphial a day and there are about 186 pipes licensed in Calcutta.

A memória...


A vida ama a consciência que temos dela diz René Char
(A memória não é o que recordamos, mas sim o que nos recorda) diz Octavio Paz

a memória pode-nos trair, mas a lembrança é nos sempre fiel

merece o que sonhas

Why Music Matters.


a song for love
- © A. Madestra Dell


Ascenseur Pour L'Èchafaud (Lift To The Scaffold) : Original Soundtrack

Miles Davis - Lift To The Scaffold - old.jpg
Ascenseur pour l’èchafaud - Lift to the scaffold
Paris, 4-5.12.1957
Original Soundtrack

01. Generique

02. L’Assassinat De Carala

03. Sur L’Autoroute
04. Julien Dans L’Ascenseur

05. Florence Sur Les Champs-Elysees
06. Diner Au Motel

07. Evasion De Julien

08. Visite Du Vigile

09. Au Bar Du Petit Bac

10. Chez Le Photographe Du Motel

Total time 73:45

Miles Davis - trumpet - Barney Wilen - tenor saxophone - René Urtreger - piano - Pierre Michelot - bass - Kenny Clarke - drums

Miles Davis - Lift To The Scaffold - old-DOX833.jpegMiles Davis 1957 Ascenseur pour l'échafauld.jpgmiles_davis-ascenseur_pour_lechafaud(1).jpgMiles Davis - Lift To The Scaffold.jpg

Audio CD (October 2, 2003)

Label: Universal 

01. Nuit Sur Les Champs-Elysees - (take 1)
02. Nuit Sur Les Champs-Elysees - (take 2)
03. Nuit Sur Les Champs-Elysees - (take 3)
04. Nuit Sur Les Champs-Elysees - (take 4)
05. Assassinat - (take 1)
06. Assassinat - (take 2)
07. Assassinat - (take 3)
08. Motel
09. Final - (take 1)
10. Final - (take 2)
11. Final - (take 3)
12. Ascenseur
13. Le Petit Bal - (take 1)
14. Le Petit Bal - (take 2)
15. Sequence Voiture - (take 1)
16. Sequence Voiture - (take 2)

17. Generique
18. L'Assassinat De Carala
19. Sur L'Autoroute
20. Julien Dans L'Ascenseur
21. Florence Sur Les Champs-Elysee
22. Diner Au Motel
23. Evasion De Julien
24. Visite Du Vigile
25. Au Bar Du Petit Bac
26. Chez Le Photographe Du Motel

in comments


Gary Burton Quartet with Eberhard Weber - Passengers 1976

01. Sea Journey (by Chick Corea) (9:19)
02. Nacada (by Pat Metheny) (4:15)
03. The Whopper (by Pat Metheny) (5:33)
04. B & G (Midwestern Nights Dream) (by Pat Metheny) (8:27)
05. Yellow Fields (by Eberhard Weber) (7:02)
06. Claude and Betty (by Steve Swallow) (6:16)

Gary Burton - Vibraharp Pat Metheny - Electric Guitar Steve Swallow - Bass Guitar Dan Gottlieb - Drums
Eberhard Weber - Bass


Tinha fome de letras. Comia o “s” dos plurais, o “d” dos gerúndios, o “r” dos verbos. Insaciável, deu também para comer palavras inteiras, até se tornar incompreensível.
Não satisfeito, passou a devorar frases, orações e períodos completos.
Restaram-lhe grunhidos e interjeições. Em pouco tempo, roeu-os até a mudez total.
Agora só lhe resta devorar o silêncio.

gORj > o muro e outras páginas



"I don't go to church. Kneeling bags my nylons."
-- Jan Sterling in ACE IN THE HOLE
Catherine Deneuve
Linda Darnell
Tippi Hedren
Bette Davis
Jeanne Moreau
Brigitte Bardot
Lucille Ball
Louise Brooks


anna karina.jpg

os peixes morrem pelas bocas


Be careful of words,
even the miraculous ones.
For the miraculous we do our best,
sometimes they swarm like insects
and leave not a sting but a kiss.
They can be as good as fingers.
They can be as trusty as the rock
you stick your bottom on.
But they can be both daisies and bruises.
Yet I am in love with words.
They are doves falling out of the ceiling.
They are six holy oranges sitting in my lap.
They are the trees, the legs of summer,
and the sun, its passionate face.
Yet often they fail me.
I have so much I want to say,
so many stories, images, proverbs, etc.
But the words aren't good enough,
the wrong ones kiss me.
Sometimes I fly like an eagle
but with the wings of a wren.
But I try to take care
and be gentle to them.
Words and eggs must be handled with care.
Once broken they are impossible
things to repair.

Anne Sexton (1928 - 1974)



Venus, de Sandro Botticelli. Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Gemäldegalerie.jpg
Venus, de Sandro Botticelli. Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Gemäldegalerie.
Erwin Blumenfeld, Venus, Nu, 1946.jpg
Venus, Nu, 1946. Fotografía de Erwin Blumenfeld (1897 – 1969)